Collage of Life

Collage of Life
What you can see...

Friday, March 18, 2011


You cannot go to a new country without learning some of their language.  The basics are usually easy to learn since you use them a lot.  The hellos, the good byes, the thank yous, etc.  The people in Kenya and Tanzania speak wonderful English.  We had no problems with any communication in these countries.  They do, however speak their own native language, Swahili.  Most of the people are biligual in that way.
Our driver,naturalists were more than happy to share their language with us and we did learn a few, very few, Swahili words.  So, I will share them with you so you will have a heads-up when you visit there.
Of course, everyone knows Hakuma Matata.....The Lion King made that word famous.  It means "no more worries" or "everything is fine now.." 
The most used word is "Jambo"  It means "Hello, Welcome"....Everyone says it to you everyday!  It usually comes with a big smile. 
The next word used a lot is "Asante Sana"... This means "Thank you."  Then "Caribou" that means "Your Welcome."
Richard's favorite word he learned was "Poli,Poli."   It kind of translated into "Take it easy Buddy."  Or
"slowly, slowly." 
We used "Trende" alot also, that means "Let's Go" and we said that when we were out on a game drive and ready to move on to the next place.
I am not sure about the spelling of this word, but is sounded like "Tuffahali" which means "Please."
So there you go, a language lesson that you can use when you take your African Safari!
Make sure you go to to make your choice of country and let me know what questions you might have.  Send me an email at and I will be your travel coordinator!
Tomorrow I will tell you about what it is like in the Serengeti!

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